10th International Congress in "Nanotechnology in Biology & Medicine"
15-17 April 2019, Graz/Austria
>>> www.bionanomed.at
University of Graz
Conference venue will be the University of Graz, the second oldest university in Austria. Founded in 1585, it is now one of the largest universities in Austria with about 32,000 students and 4,100 employees. Nine Nobel laureates, e.g. Ludwig Boltzman and Roland Scholl, have taught and researched here.

Conference Venue
The conference (EUROSENSORS school, all technical sessions, poster and industrial exhibition) will take place in the “RESOWI Zentrum”, the faculty of law, Universitätsstraße 15. There will be four lecture halls housing up to more than 600 people, where plenary and parallel oral sessions featuring invited presentations will be held. The foyer and adjacent rooms (>750 m2) will provide sufficient space for coffee breaks, exhibition and extended poster presentations, giving the opportunity for discussion and networking.
University of Graz - ReSoWi (Faculty of Law), Universitaetsplatz 15 (Ground Level), 8010 Graz/Austria
>> map of venue >> map of University Campus

Welcome Reception
The opening ceremony on Sunday evening will take place in the auditorium (AULA) located in the main building (Universitätsplatz 3) which was erected in 1895 by the Viennese architect Karl Stattler. The auditorium has a capacity of up to 600 guests and is offering a historic and elegant atmosphere.
University of Graz - AULA, Universitaetsplatz 3 (First Floor), 8010 Graz / Austria >> map of venue